How far along? 32 Weeks, however this monster is measuring 34 weeks now! I really hope he continues to cook until at least 36-38 weeks, because Mommy, Daddy, and Brothers are NOT ready for him yet!
Total weight gain: 24lbs - although it sounds like a lot, based on little's size, it confusing. Both the boys were 8.5lbs and 8.6lbs at birth and by this stage in the pregnancy I had gained about 30ish pounds. I guess I blame it on chasing 2 toddlers around, and eating much healthier foods. Still, my OB manages to give me the "I am really concerned" speech every check up.
Stretch marks? No new ones yet, although I have a feeling that once I can see my whole self again I will find some. That, and the ones I already have are most likely getting bigger - o well :-/
Sleep: Mr Man has decided that it's fun to pop my hip out while I am laying down (no joke). We get it kid, you are big and strong. I will be laying down on my side when all of a sudden - POP! He will push his legs under my rib cage area and use it as leverage to get his back and arms to push towards my hip (in efforts to stretch out). Anyways, my leg will fall back dangling (due to really lose ligaments down there) and I spend the next 30 minutes or so whinny and crying trying to get it back/comfortable again. Paul is less than thrilled when this happens, and will usually just ignore my agonizing pain.
Best moment this week: Just getting to spend time with the boys - all 3 of them. By the time the weekend comes I am ready to have Paul's help entertaining the boys and cleaning the house. The weather was so nice, so we were able to take Braden and Zachy to some of the local parks this weekend. Running around and playing has the opposite effect on my children than it does most - instead of wearing them out, they get more energy after running around for an hour or 2!
Miss Anything? Not really missing anything, just using these last few weeks to prepare the boys for little's arrival and trying to get Braden to step up his big brother helping/behaving game.
Movement: He is super duper cramped, super duper large, and super duper strong. We still play "guess that limb" and he still is morphing the belly - a lot, as in flipping and rotating almost all day long.
Food cravings: None really...due to his high activity levels, sometimes eating makes me nauseous
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just him moving all the time, I feel like I have a constant belly ache. Add that with the horrible heart burn I
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: I have contractions here and there. They are most likely braxton hicks, however, some of them stop me in my tracks. They have also been coming a bit more frequently which is scaring the crap out of me.
Belly Button in or out? Definitely out - this is the first one that I have had to take my belly button ring out prior to delivery...most likely because he is so large
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and tired - all damn day. How do people do this! We have been watching a lot of movies and learning shows lately :-/ O well, I am not Super Mom, nor do I have an desire to be.
Looking forward to: If I had to be excited about something right now it would be not having my hip pop randomly in the night...however, PLEASE do not misinturpret that as "I am ready to deliver" because I Paul and I are in no way shape or form ready for little's arrival.