Thursday, March 28, 2013

Excuse my language...

...But HOLY SHIT today was the last day we spent as a family of FOUR!  Little will be here tomorrow whether he likes it or not!

Bags packed, boys tucked in, now I am just sitting around waiting for the call that we can head into the hospital to get all checked in.  We were supposed to head over around 8:30pm, but at 7:00pm I got a call from one of the nurses that said they were "all full at the Inn" but a few moms were getting ready to deliver, and she would call when my room is ready.  So now I sit here and wait....

I decided to take a few measurements tonight, I wonder if I wrote these things down right before I deliver the older 2?  I am sure I did, I just need to find it ;-)  Anyways, I measured 43.5" around, and the final official weight was 168 (YIKES!)  I took this photo 2 nights ago...everyone says "you're all belly" but of course I don't think that.

Ready to POP!
Last night I got really emotional, and all day today I just felt really guilty.  I went through all this right before I had Zach too.  I know I am not the first mom to have more than 1 kid, but I just worry about what that adjustment time will be like.  Learning to take care of 3 very different people, with 3 very different needs.  It's all in my head, and I know everything will be fine...just going through all the final preparation stages I think.  I worry, and feel guilty that I won't be able to provide Braden with the stimulation and interaction he needs.  I worry and feel guilty that I won't be able to provide Zachary the attention he requires, and that hes "needs" will get pushed to the back burner.  That I won't have enough hours in the day to work with him on his therapy exercises...the list goes on.

I know it will all be fine though.  And everything is going to work out just the way it is supposed to.

Heck, I was nervous that I would go insane with 2 little Braden's running around the house, and Zach came out the most relaxed and easy going baby on the planet.

I tried to make today super special for the boys.  We went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch.  It was so cute!  We actually have not been in a few weeks, and as soon as we pulled up Zachary started to get really excited, waving his legs, and fist pumping "yeah yeah yeah!".  After lunch we came home and colored Easter eggs since Sunday is Easter.  I don't think we will be able to come home until Sunday afternoon, so we are just going to pretend that the Easter Bunny comes on Sunday night this year.  The boys won't know any difference (B has a hard enough time keeping his days straight as it is).

B and Z were supposed to start soccer last Saturday, but because of the snow storm and road conditions class was cancelled.  That means I will be missing their first class this week, but I am sure they won't miss me with Nonna and Papa around to go with them and Daddy. 

Ah! Well it's almost time...The next post will be with all of Little's stats and a recap on how easy/horrible the delivery was!!!  Goodnight y'all - tomorrow we will officially be a family of 5...


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

39 Week Ramblings

To say "not much" has been going on this week would be a complete and total lie.  We have been so busy.  I am sure it's a burst of nesting and spring cleaning fever combined with the fact that nearly ALL my family is coming up at some point this week...but we have been cleaning and de-cluttering fools!

We live in a little 1300sq ft, 3 bedroom, 2 bath condo.  And when I say nearly all my family, I mean everyone except one of my little sisters will be here, fur members and all.  For those of you keeping score at home that's a total of 5 adults, 2 toddlers, a newborn at some point, 3 dogs, and a bunny! YIKES! My sister is actually only going to be here for a week, so her overlap will only be for about 3 or 4 days with my parents, and I think that my dad has scheduled "work meetings" so that he can sneak away to a hotel for a few days here and a few days there over their stay (lucky guy!). 
Over the last few weeks we have been boxing up toys from the playroom (slash guest room), leaving out B and Zs current favorites.  Cleaning out drawer and closet space for everyone so that suitcases are not taking up all the floor space in our house (because the dogs will be needing that).  I can't wait to take photos and show this mess to everyone...I can only imagine.  But I think Paul and I did a really good job in preparing for the madness.  

With all this madness arriving, I can sleep a bit easier knowing that whenever Little decides it's go time, we will be ready and not have to make a zillion 2 am phone calls to make arrangements for the boys.  Because if you know my kids, you know that they will come in the middle of the night, causing a big ruckus whenever they so please.  They are stubborn and don't listen from the time they are in the womb. 

What else?? Hospital bag is packed and ready to go.  Paul knows what he is to grab should he need to come back home for 'supplies'.  Braden realizes D-day is getting closer and closer...Zach, is just Zach. He's chillin.  Side note: Therapy is going really well for him.  He is making lots of progress, and making steps in the right direction.  Making more sounds, and adding a few full words to his vocabulary.  I still wouldn't say he is "talking" yet.  More just sounds/babbles with a few words mixed in here and there. 

I have been spending a bit of my "free time" while Aunt Bryce plays with the boys designing a couple different birth announcement possibilities to use.  Not sure which style I am going to go with yet, but they are fun and simple.  I love having Photoshop Elements so that I can "borrow" ideas I see on Etsy and make them my own :)

And now for the "official" 39 Week Update:

How far along? 39 Weeks!  Little, I honestly didn't think we were going to make it this far..any time you want to arrive now would be great ;-)

Total weight gain: 164lbs (AH! That's so embarrassing!) Everything is just starting to get wide...seriously though, even my basketball belly is starting to stretch wider than my torso.  And my backside, I won't even go there :( Lets just leave it at wide...
Stretch marks? Just the one new one I think
Sleep: I still wake up a few times a night, and I keep getting those pesky little nightly contractions.  I am sure if I really set my mind to it, and was not so dang tired I could do a little walking and cleaning to keep the momentum going.  Maybe once my parents arrive tonight I can start "trying" to make this happen.
Best moment this week: Having my family arrive
Miss Anything? Being able to walk and breath.  I always give Paul a hard time for walking so slow in stores, and now I am having to pull on his arm to make him slow down!
Movement: He is super duper cramped so his movements have decreased a little.  Hopefully this means he is calming down a bit and won't be the crazy newborn I had been envisioning over the last few months.  I get really worried when I don't feel him move for an hour or so, but then I poke around at him and I am greeted with a punch or kick somewhere which it is not welcomed. 
Food cravings: None really....
Anything making you queasy or sick: I actually feel alright, just have to be careful not to over eat, or else I get super yucky feeling!  Heart burn has backed off a bit too, which is a welcomed change.
Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: Just the pesky nightly contractions.  Maybe I will start some of the little "tricks" this week to get the ball rolling.  Telling Little to come out is obviously not working.
Belly Button in or out? Definitely out - it's deformed and hideous. 
Wedding rings on or off? On - but I do have these moments where I can't get it off for an hour or two, again yuck!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, just pooped.  Not sure if it is Little, I can't keep up with the boys, or a combination of both...How to we women do this! Shout out to all you moms of 3 out there!
Looking forward to: Cannot to wait to meet Little.  I am so excited to see which one of his brothers he looks like! :) Seriously, so excited! I am also really excited for my 'Spa'Ridge hospital stay and room service food.  No cooking for a day or 2, no having to worry about what the boys are going to be eating, etc.  I get to be a mom to 1 for a few short hours, catch up on rest, and prepare for life with 3 boys. 

Here's one more belly shot...see what I mean about expanding!?!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

While Mom's away....

...The Boys Will Play!

My coaching season officially started (High School Girls Lacrosse for those of you who don't know) so Paul has adjusted his work hours in order to come home at 3 and "babysit" the boys.

As Braden says, "Daddy is the BEST babysitter ever!"

Anyways, I love coming home to videos that Paul has taken - you know since he joined the real world and finally got an iPhone a few months ago.  Here are a few from yesterday that I thought were just too funny not to share!

You saw it here first folks, B and Z - Rock Stars in the making

Friday, March 8, 2013

37 Week Bump Attack

I guess I have a lot to update everyone on since it has been about 5 weeks since I last posted a baby update.

Baby boy wants to come out!  On February 20th, just a few days shy of 35 weeks, I went into preterm labor.  As in full on contracting and dilating.  I just felt "off" all afternoon.  I didn't really feel any major contractions, but after lunch they kept getting a bit stronger, a bit closer together, and nothing I did (chug water, lay down, etc) was making them stop.  I summoned Auntie Lexa to come over and watch the boys for a few hours while Paul took me to go get checked out.  And good thing, or else Feb 21st, might have been little's birthday!

They first tried 2 shots of terbutaline, which would help, for about a hot second, and then the contractions would start right back up again.  After the third shot, they finally had spaced out longer, but they had gotten stronger.  We tried a dose of procardia, and that helped a little more, but still did not stop them.  After 1 more shot of terbutaline and another dose of procardia, we finally got them to a place where it was okay if I went home...we ran to the 24 hour Walgreens to pick up my prescription of procardia and made it back home around 2am that morning.  Since that night I have been on an around the clock dose of the procardia every 4 hours (which is "normal" for anyone in this situation).

The medication could do 1 of 2 things to my body.  Hold off labor until we go off the meds - or - have completely shut down my body that we will need to jump start it back up by inducing.  Since I will be 37 weeks on Saturday, and thus considered officially full term, we are going to stop the medication today (the 8th).  It's my guess that little will either arrive this weekend, or wait until his induction which is scheduled for the 29th.

Either way, I am okay with whatever he decides.  As uncomfortable as I am getting (I'll tell you a quick story in a minute), it would just be a lot easier knowing the date, and being able to plan on my parents being up here to help with the boys before, during, and a bit after he is born.  But no matter when he decides to come, we know it will be this month and the Easter Bunny is preparing to bring 3 baskets of goodies and not just 2 this year!


Have you ever had heart burn so bad, to the point that it feels like your insides are on fire, you are vomiting every 10 minutes, TUMs are not even helping, and you can't lay down on your back!?!?! Well that's how I felt Wednesday night - IT. WAS. AWFUL. I think it's safe to say that it was the worst night I have experienced being pregnant, ever!

Now....for the 37 week update, I am sure y'all are dying to see a picture right?  Well let me just say, I don't remember being this "round" with B and seriously looks like I swallowed a basketball!

Excuse the lovely photo...I never learned how to take photos of myself in a mirror properly
How far along? 37 Weeks, full term! Whoop Whoop! Procardia has officially been stopped, no more ducky alarm going off every 4 hours!

Total weight gain: I was 164 at the Doctors today...That's more like it in terms of my previous weight gain during pregnancy....So that's about 36pounds gained - Oh man, am I chubby! 

Stretch marks? Paul and I found the first new one the other day - it's radiating out the top of my belly button, super weird.

Sleep: I wake up a lot to pee, and the ducky alarm goes off at 1:30am and 5:30am so I can take my meds...but no more! 

Best moment this week:
I started coaching on the 25th of Feb, so I have just been heading to practice around 3, and Paul comes home to watch the boys.  We have been doing really well on this whole 'eat at home' thing, and it's a nice change that I get to come home to dinner on the table! 

Miss Anything? Not really...feeling comfortable I guess, and being able to walk right.  I am a waddling mess, and it's probably pretty hilarious to watch me stand up, or get out of bed.
Movement: Moving around like crazy (still!), despite the fact that there's hardly any room left for him to wiggle!  He often gets his hands and feet moving at the same time!

Food cravings: Just meat on Friday's since it's Lent.  Who knew it would be so hard not to eat meat!  Fish just sounds nasty, so I am on carb overload on Friday's (which makes me feel like absolute poop).

Anything making you queasy or sick: I have had the worst heartburn for the last 2 nights in a row, that I have actually thrown up because it hurts so bad.  Also, if I over eat I feel horrible too. 

Gender: Boy

Labor Signs: As I am writing this my belly is starting to tighten up a bit.  Could be the start of something...or just me coming down from the meds.

Symptoms: My whole body just aches....seriously uncomfortable.

Belly Button in or out? Definitely out - not sure if I mentioned how I have a weird belly button before.  But anyways, its only part out, maybe because I have such an inny belly button to begin with.  It looks like a special needs belly button.  Paul and B think it's pretty hilarious to mess with it. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Honestly - most the time just blah.  I have had my fair share of meltdowns this week though.  One of the boys locked the bathroom door and it took Paul and I a few hours to get it open...except we never really opened it, Paul just ended up drilling through the handle to get it to pop off.

Looking forward to: Not being so chubby anymore.  The weight gain has caught up with me, and since I have not been able to go on walks or workout any because of the pre-term labor, I just feel like a giant cow :-/