Monday, March 31, 2014

Happy 1st Birthday Bug!

Please say March 29th hasn't already come and gone :( This stinks. I can't believe Chase is already 1.


Moving on.

This has been a pretty big month.  Most of the day to day stuff is the same as it always is.  Nothing new to your schedule really...there is 1 big piece of news, but you will have to read on to see that ;-)

On your birthday we walked around the park some and I tried to take a few photos of you boys.  And by a few I mean I took over 100 photos and got about 3 that I kind of like.  These are them (and the one above too).  We went to a one year "cake smash" photo session with Tanja at Contemporary Expressions on the 27th, so I know she got some much better ones of you boys that I will hopefully be sharing soon (there is a little sneak peak below for now though).


~ 1 Year Update ~  


A sneak peak from Chase's 1 year photos from Tanja at Contemporary Expressions :-)

Height: 29.5 inches (45%ile)
Weight: 21 pounds 8.4 ounces (55%ile)
Head: 46.5 cm (60%ile)

Words:  Mama, Dada, Baba, bubba, anything b sounds in front.  And I am pretty sure you say "that".  You will point with your chubby little finger and sat "DAT".  In the past few days you have been a little babble box.  Talking in your crib to your friends, babbling when everyone else is have a lot to say kiddo and just want to be a part of the conversation. 

Diapers: Still 3s during the day and 4s at night.  And biggest setting on your Rumparooz.

Shoes: Sizes 5...more on that in a bit though.

Clothes: Still pretty much the same.  We can't squeeze you into anything that is 6 months, and the 9 month stuff is on it's last couple washes.  Mostly 12 months, or 6-12 months in some brands.

Teeth:  Still just the 8 teeth.  It looks like your top 2 eye teeth will be the next to make their debut, but who knows when that will be.  For now you just love showing off your pearly white smile (and boy do you smile and giggle a lot!)

Food:  You're doing much better eating by yourself these days.  I have been braver giving you the meat off my plate (I just thought it might be too hard for you to chew up).  But you do a good job with the tiny tiny pieces.  Let them soggy up in your mouth a bit and then swallow.  You still don't like baby food that much any more, but you will take bites here and there while we all eat our meals.  Other than that, you pretty much eat whatever we eat until you are done/frustrated, and then chase it down with some baba.  We have started trying to use a sippy cup, but you really want no part of it.
We will try again in a couple days. 

Favorite Foods: Bottles :-/ (we are working on it, I know), apples/applesauce, avocados and bananas, veggie straws
Favorite Activities:  Playing catch with your brothers.  They will roll the ball to you and you will throw it back.  Everyone gets so excited and you are so proud of yourself.  You threw the baby rattle at my foot the other day and it bruised pretty badly!  You also love taking baths with your brothers and splashing around and making the biggest mess with them!  You enjoy trying to pick up balls off the floor and try to get them onto the couch.  You like picking on your big brothers.  And you love walking along the couches and furniture.  You still are loving you activity cube we got you for Christmas too.  That and sitting with daddy and brothers and reading.  You only stay still for about .5 seconds though, and then you are off again.  But you do enjoy snuggling into a spot on the couch with everyone.

Nicknames The one and only Chaser Bug.

Signature Moves:  Clapping (the cutest).  You are a big bully to Zachary.  When we go to Costco the 2 of you sit in the front of the cart together, and you just pat him on the head the whole time.  Sometimes you will do it to Braden who sits in the back of the cart.  You also like to head butt people.  Dad or I will be holding you, and you will tuck your chin in, line your head up and thrust your whole body weight into it.  You like to do this into the couch pillows for fun, and to your brothers.  You also like to stand up and fall down really hard onto your hand and knees with a big slap.  You think it's hilarious and will giggle and do this 5 or 6 times. 

Milestones:  Well I mentioned you are in size 5 shoes, and boy do you need them, because guess what, YOU'RE WALKING!  It's nuts.  You took your first couple real steps 2 days before your birthday, and on the 28th you thought you could just waddle down the hall.  You are not the steadiest walker yet, and will plop down on your bottom after 5 or 6 steps, and then revert to crawling.  But, you can do it, and in my book, that's all that counts.

Adventures: We went to the zoo quite a few times this month because it has been so nice outside!  You love just hanging out in the stroller and watching all the animals and people.  We also had long time family friends come into town from Atlanta for a visit before they headed up to the mountains for some spring break skiing.  

Danny, Lizzy and brothers watching 'Minions' after dinner
Birthday Celebrations:  For your 1st birthday Nonna came out to visit.  On Saturday the 29th, we all went to breakfast at DBC, and then wandered around the zoo for a couple hours.  It was so beautiful out, thus making it very crowded.  After we picked up the birthday cake from Mulberries (everyone's favorite!) and headed home.  We also went for a little walk on the trail and took some pictures in the shirts Nonna made.  A couple friends came over for dinner, and sang happy birthday and ate cake with you.  Your cake smash was the cutest!  You just ate the cake like it was no big deal.  Because we were unsure of family's plans, we didn't have a huge (little) party for you.  That will be next weekend.  On Sunday we met up with Grandpa Pete, Grandmasako, and Grandma Nancy for lunch.  We also went up to Grandma Nancy's on Monday and out to dinner with everyone Monday night ;-)  The celebrations lasted all weekend!

Yummy cakes from Mulberries!

Worn out after a long day!
And here are some more cute/random photos from the month!  I still cannot believe you are ONE!!!!  I am working on a little something about your 1st year, but knowing me, that will be completed when you're 5. 

Zachary helping Daddy cook
Playing at Braden's soccer game
Braden playing soccer
Sunday morning snuggles
Zachary passed out after a long day...he told us he wasn't tired
Mommy took all 3 boys to Ash Wednesday service by herself!
Zachary was invited to his 1st birthday party for a friend from preschool
Again, he wasn't tired
Someone had the sniffles and cuddled!
Bed Head (you can kind of see it)
The cutest belly and sleepy bug
Zachy's hat he made at school for St. Patty's Day
Watching Frozen aka Baby Crack
Out to Sushi for dinner

Mommy and Daddy went on a date to the Avs game while one of my players babysat

Our best attempt at a St. Patty's day photo
Playing at brothers soccer game
Playing catch with Braden