June started off well, because we got to see nearly everyone in Colorado who we love and care about all in a week span. We did miss a few :-( which totally stunk.
Zachary finished his first year of preschool.
When we were not seeing friends, we were packing. With all the late nights packing, Paul and I got some pretty great ideas. Like how about we pull an all nighter and drive up to Kearney, so that we can give Bryce Anne (my sister) our living room furniture and kitchen table for her college house.
Yup. That happened.
It did look really nice in there |
This happened too. |

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Bryce even bought us dinner while she was working |
Moral of the story....
....This was basically my life until we moved
On Paul's last night in town, Aunt Lexa came over to babysit and we went to his cousin's wedding.
Let us recap for a moment: 1) Paul has now left. 2) I have no kitchen or living room furniture. 3) The house is only half packed, boxes have now taken the place of our kitchen table. This was real life people. Try to imagine it with me....
...and I promise it get's SO MUCH BETTER...
2 days after Paul left, I woke up blind in one eye and had to start 5 days of IV steroids! Yes! Just what I wanted.
But wait folks! There is more! Braden decided it would be a great time to bust his eye brow open and get 3 stitches in it!
That was pretty fun.
It wasn't all bad. I did get to spend some quality time with my boys! And we made the most out of our living situation.
As you can imagine, I couldn't handle it for very long. My dad flew into Denver to help me finish packing and help move us down. We got a rental truck, which was too small, so half way through moving day, we had to go get a trailer to have pulled behind the truck. That was fun. We were going to sleep on the floor overnight and leave for Texas first thing in the morning, but that is what sane people do. Us crazies, decided to just drive through the night.
At this point we have all arrived in Texas, safely, and in 1 piece. But this is not where the story ends my dear friends....