Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Paleo Craze/Breakfast Cups

Paul and I are trying to be more "Paleo" in our eating.  Basically this means no grains, beans...things like that.  Going back to the hunter-gather way of eating.  That's Paleo in 2 sentences, but I encourage you to do some research on your own.  I say on your own and don't want to provide you with any links for a specific reason.  Not because I want to be lazy, but I want you to educate yourself and make this decision on your own.  There is TONS of research out there saying "its the most amazing thing ever","everyone else is killing themselves", "no other diet works"...etc, supporting it.  But then there is also tons of research that says, "its a load of BS", "It's all put out by lobbyists against the FDA because they are not doing their jobs right"...etc, against it.  Be intelligent in your research and find reputable sources, but decided for yourself.  I will do another post on all this soon. 

Here is what the Paleo food pyramid looks like:

But for now, what this means for me is that I am NEVER full!  Never, ever.  The steroids make me just want to eat and eat and eat.  Before I could load up on carbs and be satisfied for at least a few hours.  Now I am eating ever hour!  So I've had to re-adjust the things I go for during a hunger spell and try to eat more healthy fats that will full me up more (eggs, avocados, etc.)

Melissa told me about some breakfasts that she made over the weekend for easy on the go meals before work.  So I decided to try one out this morning.  Its bacon wrapped eggs.  Sounded super yummy, but I will definitely need to play around with it a little more to get it just right.

I wrapped the outsides of the muffin tins with bacon and then simply cracked an egg inside of them.  Sprinkled with some coconut flakes for some added flavor and bake on 350 for 25 minutes.  The eggs came out great, but the bacon was way to...floppy for me.  I need to figure out how to make it come out crispy without over cooking the eggs.  Maybe try higher heat.

Until next time,

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