Hi Y'all! I'm Paige :) Welcome to my little space on the World Wide
Web where I get to share about my life and everything that comes with
it. The incredibly
adorable things the boys do, the incredibly
things the boys do, living with
NMO and trying to not let it affect
my day to day life, and how sometimes, despite my best efforts, how NMO
kicks my butt. My desperate desire to go on a vacation with my
husband, recipes I try and the family likes, things I like to do,
projects I attempt (the successes and failures), homeschooling the
boys.... just life in general. If I have time to write about it, you get the
pleasure of reading about it.
Myself, Zachary, Paul, and Braden - Manhattan Beach, CA. July 2012. |
A little about "us" I am a
sorta wife. I mean it's not that we don't
to get married, we just have not got around to it. Paul and I have a
backwards life, has it worked out for us - YES! In every aspect he is my
other half, but would I recommend how we did things to anyone else,
NEVER in a million years! So for all intents and purposes, I am a wife,
and Paul is my husband. I am a stay at home mom to our 2 boys, I cook,
I clean, I do it all - I am a WIFE! - And now that we are all clear on
that, moving along...
Quick story while we are on the
topic: Paul and I met in college. He was a super super senior (24 years
old) and I was a 17 year old freshman. I got pregnant with Braden at
18, had him when I was 19 - and it was a horribly emotional pregnancy. I
moved back home (to Colorado) to be closer to my family. Paul stayed
in San Diego, where he is from and where he had been working since
graduating. Long story short - After Braden was born, he moved out to
Colorado to be with us, and we lived with my parents for about a year. Deciding
if "us" was something we wanted. I was finishing up with school. We were learning to be parents. And so much more during that time. Let's just say it was a crazy year! Anyways,
fast forward 4 years and we are here today, still standing, but through our fair share of ups and downs.
Braden, was born in August
2008. After living with my parents (and younger twin sisters who were still in high school might I add), we bought a little 3
bedroom condo down the street, and a few months after moving,
we found out we were pregnant with #2. Zachary was born in September
2010 (he was actually planned!). We wanted to give Braden a sibling,
and since Paul and I were in a good place, we wanted to start growing our
family. I graduated from college with a BS in Business Marketing a
month before Zachary was born (go mom!). Both of these little guys are
the greatest things that have happened to Paul and I, both individually,
and as a couple.
Braden Richard - August 7, 2008 |
Zachary Charles - September 22, 2010 |
Then the madness of our lives began. I will try to keep this short and sweet and not ramble on too much....
few months after Zachy was born, I started getting sick, really sick.
What started out as headaches and being tired all the time, slowly
turned into muscle aches and paralysis in the lower half of my body.
The first few signs and symptoms I thought nothing of, I was a mom of a 2
year old and 2 month old - of course I am tired, of course I have
headaches, of course my eyes hurt. I eventually ended up in the ICU for
about a week on a heavy, heavy does of steroids, and then moved to a
recovery center where I had to learn to walk again. What was originally
diagnosed as MS, turned into a diagnosis of
neuromyelitis optica (NMO)
a few months later (we are now in March of 2011 for those of you
keeping a timeline). All I can say is we have the best family and the
greatest support system there is. It takes a village to take care of a
sick mama and 2 little boys.
So at that point in life: I was a new mom of 2 boys, have an incredibly rare disease, and, oh yeah, my parents were getting ready to move to Texas in July!
Now, I am walking, running, only have minimal sight loss, and am other wise really healthy. I stay at home with the boys while the hubby goes to work for us. We attempt homeschooling, and really like to go out to lunch with friends ;) Every day is a learning experience for each of us.
A few months ago, I started this blog to keep my family and friends in touch with the happenings in
our lives. If I made phone calls to everyone about the cute little
things the boys do everyday I would not have time to sleep! I have tried
to do this a few times before and really have never been extremely
successful {I would define success in this case as staying active in
writing things} I would post photos every couple months or so, and would
always forget to remind people to go check out the latest updates.
So now I am making this blog a little more, and the adventure begins....