This is the first year the Elf on the Shelf came to our house! We now have our very own personal and direct line to Santa himself, and we named him Buster. Paul and I were the initiators on this. Why you ask? Well, I will tell you a story. I am in love with Buster Posey, the catcher for the San Francisco Giants. Love Him! I just think he is so cute, and I love watching his interviews. He just seems like a really great guy! I have been trying to turn Zachy's nickname into Buster, but it's just not sticking. Anyways, he won the NL MVP this year, so naturally we named our Elf Buster! Yay, I have a Buster in the family now :)

Buster arrived the day after Thanksgiving. This is mainly because I went out black Friday shopping and got a $5 gift card with the purchase of the elf and book. He made his debut sitting in the blue Christmas tree in the boys room, with the book nicely placed underneath. And of course I didn't get a photo of this because I set it up at 2am when I got home from shopping. Cut me a little slack, okay! Braden was SOOOOOO EXCITED when he woke up in the morning. He came running into our room to tell us that Santa brought him a present already - it was really cute! So far, Buster is not really helping with the 4 year old tantrums, but he keeps coming back despite how naughty Braden has been the last couple days. I will say "the boys", but we should all know by this point Zachy does not talk (hopefully that will be changing very shortly after his surgery though). "The Boys" are supposed to be telling Buster what they would like him to tell Santa they would like for Christmas, but so far, no help on that front either.
Here are some pictures of where Buster keeps showing up. I am not very
cleaver, and by 10pm at night when I get around to setting him up, I
just really want to go to bed. Maybe as the weeks go on I will be
forced to get more creative. There are some great ideas floating around
pinterest on what to do with your elf, most just take a little
pre-planning, and that would require me to organize my life.
Playing Candyland with friends |
Reading Daddy's baseball book on the couch |
Brushing his teeth |
In the Christmas Tree |
Drinking the soda B left out over night |
Getting into the Halloween candy |
Buster is a new tradition in our house this year, and I hope that the boys enjoy him for years to come. We also have a couple other traditions that we have started in our house, but I will save those for another day ;-)
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