Happy 7 Month Birthday Little Bug!
*Sad day - I updated my computer and my photo library will not open on this new version. I am working on updating the photo software so that I can access the photos....so I will have to post the usual "photo journal" in a couple days. I do have a few photos from the last week or so that I can share with you for now....just check back soon to see more pictures :-)*
Teething - You still only have the 2 front bottom teeth WTH?? You love to suck and chow down on your fingers, and every toy you get your hands on goes straight into your mouth. Other than that, no signs of teething from you big guy.
Eating - As always, you're a champ. We bumped you up to 3 solid meals (most) days. I say most, because with my new work scheduled (more on that in a minute) sometimes we just don't have time for a solid meal, and you are totally okay with that!
Sleeping - We are back to sleeping through the night! Woohoo! Growth spurt over! We lay you down around 7/8ish for bed. You're up at 9/10ish for a quick snack before I actually go to bed. Then up at 6/7 for a milk breakfast, and a diaper change (100% of the time there is a poop in there...good thing that's right when Daddy is waking up to get ready for work). Back down for a little bit, then up around 8/9ish with your Brothers to start our morning. That's how we usually like things at least. On mornings I have to work, we just keep you awake and start our day around 7ish.
Adventures - Mommy starting working at Lifetime Fitness part time, and that's been an adventure for sure. I am working in the child center 10-15 hours a week, just a little extra cash and a free gym membership for me and the kids, you can't beat that! Also discounts on daddy's membership and everything else (including the lessons and kids classes!) So we have all be adjusting to that new scheduling. I am not on a consistent schedule yet, but all the kids are adapting very well.
I also took all 3 boys on a preschool field trip with Zachary's class BY MYSELF! That was a bit rough. In summary, Braden was all over the place and sneaky Zach would wonder off while I was trying to chase down Braden. Overall I think the big 2 had a great time, and Chase just hung out in the stroller most of the morning/afternoon. He is such a great baby!
I tried to take the boys on a walk to take a photo for our Christmas card too - that was horrible. 1 hour, 90 some photos, and not 1 decent one :-/ Just wait until you see how horrible they are :(
Milestones - You are are rolling and moving machine. You're getting pretty fast too. You're not crawling on all 4's yet, it still an army crawl, but you are very good at it. You can't go from laying/crawling to sitting just yet, but you can roll out of a sitting position in half a second! It is pretty funny. Sometimes you will just crawl around the ottoman in the family room a few times....you're "crawling laps" it's so cute. You round the corner and see us, and just grin. You can also let us know what you do want, by growling at things you don't want. With that being said, you have found your voice and are exploring different sounds and noises you can make. Your favorite being this growling thing. Braden swears you say "bubba" and daddy swears you say "dada" but this mom says that there have been no actual works said yet. You do "reply" sometimes when someone says 'Hi' to you with a little squeak.
Loves: Brothers, Mommy, Daddy time, fruits, walks, your stroller, the papoose (aka baby carrier), the jumper, mamaroo, food, playing with a spoon while I feed you...You've been a little more clingy this month (I think that has something to do with being at lifetime so much lately though), your caterpillar toy...
Non-Loves: ...I really can't think of anything. The obvious ones, when you get dropped (by your brothers) stepped on, kicked, balls kicked at you, or forgotten about (this is becoming less of an issue now that you can move).
I think that is most everything this last month...If I think of anything else in the next few days I will let you know in the photos post to come ;-) Here are a few fall photos I took there other day in the meantime (these were not the attempted Christmas photos).