So, for those of you newbies (or even oldies who would like to sign up for the emails) I have provided some instructions on how to do so. I don't post very often, maybe once or twice a month. But this way, when I do post something, the post will just be sent to your email and pop up and you wont have to visit the site every day looking for something new. You also will not miss anything ;-) You can read the nonsense I write right on your email screen like so:
Super simple to sign up - on the right side of the page....scroll down until you see "swim along" enter in your email address and hit submit:
A screen like this should pop up:
Fill it out....THEN....go check your email and click on the confirmation link!!! Check your junk mail folder too, it may have gone in there. You should get this email within a matter of minutes.
Hopefully this works, and y'all "Swim Along" with us! The buttons on the top right of my page will link you to other various sites of mine. I post lots of photos on Instagram (mostly all of my children). So if you are looking for some daily cuteness in your life, you can check out that page too!
I look forward to keeping you updated on our crazy lives and I hope you enjoy!
Oh! And PS! I LOVE reading comments too, so feel free to leave me a little note on the posts too :)

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