Seriously, I know I should be used to "how fast time flies" by now...but I blinked and my baby is 2 months old already! This is NUTS!
Happy 2 Month Birthday Mr Smiles!!! |
We went to the doctors today, and you are 13 pounds 10 ounces! Up 5 pounds since birth, and in the 95%ile! I knew you were a big boy! You're measuring at 23.5" which puts you in the 75%ile for height. And your dome (head) is in the 70%ile at 16"- You are pretty big mister! The doctor was very impressed at your head strength! She laughed when your upper lip started quivering from smiling so hard - she chuckled and said, 'she has never seen a baby's lip quiver from smiling, usually they do it when they cry'. Just another reason you're one-in-a-million Mister!
You are so strong, seriously, everyone comments on it! Your head strength is amazing. You hold it up and can look around already. Your legs are so big and chunky and muscley already. Probably from all that kicking and flipping you did in my belly! Line backer? Soccer player? Zachary really enjoys soccer, so maybe you 2 will kick the ball around when you start standing, walking, and running (OH MY!).
You are so happy, all the time! You just smile the whole time you're awake. You recognize all of us (Mommy, Daddy, Braden and Zachary). It's so cute to see your reactions to your brothers. You sometimes get this worried/scared look when Braden comes to close (I would too). You love watching them while they lay with you and giggle/squeak at them a lot. Speaking of giggling and squeaking, you are already making little baby coo sounds. I don't remember if this is "normal" or not, but Zachary didn't start making sounds until he was at least 8-10 months, so this is good news for you! Hopefully there will be no hearing or speech issues in your future.
You're still eating like a champ, but lots less little snacks throughout the day, and more "meals". You still just get fed when you're hungry though, about 4-5 times a day. I never really had any of you boys on a "schedule". You are awake during the day, take a few naps, and then sleep most of the night.
Nights look a little something like this - Big brothers go to bed between 8 and 9pm. Then you hang out with Mommy and Daddy for about an hour, then I lay you on your tummy and you are OUT within seconds, we snuggle a bit, I'll wrap you up, and then lay you in your bed. You're back up anywhere between 1-3am, eat, diaper change, back to sleep, then up again between 4-6am, eat, diaper change, think about going to sleep, sleep a bit, wake up, look around, kick and coo to would wake up for the day if I let you, but common kid, mama needs her beauty sleep!
As far as our days go, you are so adaptable! Brothers wake up around 7/8ish. You are usually up then too. You really don't want to go back to sleep after your last feeding, so you lay around in your cradle by yourself and are very content doing so. The last couple mornings I have been toughing it up and waking up at 6:30am for the day. I'll go for a run while daddy and you either "sleep" or you hang out while he plays on the computer for a bit.
I'll make the boys breakfast while you hang out in your Mama-Roo (love that thing!)...then the rest of the day is whatever. School, maybe a few kid shows, walks, lunch, errands, whatever we need to do that day. You are either awake and hanging out with us, taking little naps (like right now, you're taking a little nap on your tummy while laying in my bed next to me), sleeping in your car seat if we are out and about. The other night we went to a friends house for dinner and you literally slept the whole time we were there in your car seat.
You don't really use or need your binky, but for now we still have a couple around the house, and keep 1 hooked to your car seat (you know, just in case) You would rather be sucking on your fist or arm. So cute!
see what I mean |
Lets see, what else? You are still wearing size 1 diapers, although they are getting a bit snug. I just don't want the rest of them to go to waste. No pun intended lol, waste-waste, get it? Give me a break, like I said, I've been waking up at 6:30! You're in size 0-3 months clothes, although those are snug too. I thought it was probably because they are on their third baby by now and have shrunk down a bit, although based on your weight this morning it might be time to start cycling through the 3-6 month outfits. Makes me sad that you have not even worn some of my favorite outfits (old ones, that your brothers wore too) and you are already too big for them! Slow down buddy, this is not a race!
The hair on the top of your once bald little head is starting to grow in. It's still a little peach fuzzy, but it looks like you are going to have a little darker hair like Braden. Your eyes are still blue. So maybe you will have eyes like Zachary and hair like Braden ;). We shall see. Zach's hair was a little strawberry blonde (almost red-ish) before we cut it, and then it was platinum who knows? And your eyes still have a couple more months to change colors if they are going to.
Now, since it has been a while since I've posted photos, buckle your seat belts family and friends and prepare to be overwhelmed with cuteness! Our last month in on the look out for a post in a couple days with pictures from our 2 month photo shoot (taking place in our living room later this afternoon). Chase had shots this morning at his doctors apt, so I will let him rest up a bit before "photographer mom" bombards him with photos! ;-)
Goof balls! |
There is no place I'd rather be |
A rare mean mugging |
Already would rather be hanging out with Daddy and the boys :( |
Nightly photo shoot with Mommy |
They were not feeling the post-bath photo |
2 babies in their dipies...not for long! |
These next 3 photos crack me up...1.... |
....2.... |
...3.... |
Rockies vs Yankees with Mom and Dad |
Go Rockies! |
Swaddled in the Mama-Roo |
Post Bath dipey hang out |
See, Happy Baby. |
Movie Night in bed = sleepy time |
...more happiness |
Laundry time, nap time |
You punched yourself in the face, whoops |
Brothers rough-housing |
Zachy wanted to lay with you during tummy time |
Lovin the Mama-Roo! |
Night time, tummy time....eating your fist |
Zachy stacking cones at soccer |
Worn out |
Hanging out while brothers play on the playground |
You love sleeping on your tummy |
Side note for those of you who are worried about "back is best" - I only let Chase sleep on his tummy when I am awake and in the room. He sleeps at night on his back (for now). I envision that changing as soon as he can roll over on his own though.
Dentist - Left: Zachary, Right: Braden |
Watching Ellen with Mommy :) |
Smiles, Smiles, and more Smiles! |
I could watch you sleep all night (if I wasn't so tired myself |
First Zoo Trip...very uneventful, I only got 1 photo of you #thirdbabyproblems |
More tummy time fun |
Mr. Grumpy did not want his photo taken |
Oh, And PS - this month there were only 942 photos taken. Down a little bit from month 1's total photo count,
1,328 in case you forgot.