Mean muggin it on the drive up |
Well we made our way up to K-Town this past weekend for what could very well have been one of our last trips up there :( With my sister not going back to school there in the fall, it might be a bit hard to make the drive out. We still have a TON of friends out there, but Bryce Anne being there really gave us an excuse to visit.
We went up there this past weekend for my sorority mom's wedding. It was so much fun catching up with old friends from college, and we even made a few new ones!
Terrible lighting, but this is my sorority family |
The drive was not terrible (granted the last 2 drives we did was the 13 hours to Dallas, yuck!). We didn't need to plug in the DVD players, but the boys were pretty 'wild'. Zach was getting annoyed that Braden kept putting his hands in his face. There was a few moments of screaming coming from the back seat as well, but overall, it was not terrible.
Making crazy sounds in the back seat |
On the way up we pack a few cooler bags full of food and drinks so we didn't have to stop off and get fast food. We made it all the way to the Tee-pee rest stop at the boarder of Colorado and Nebraska. We stopped there for about 30 minutes, ate some lunch, fed the baby (who otherwise slept the whole drive) and let the big boys run around for a bit. Then it was back on the road. We checked into the hotel around 4pm central time, and while the temp was lovely, i forgot how terrible those Nebraskan winds can be. Bryce and Jimmy drove up from Axtell and then we grabbed some dinner at The Chicken Coop (a favorite spot of Paul and mine).
Chillin at The Coop |
That evening our friends Courtneigh and Adam drove over from Grand Island with their twins for a little bit of hotel swimming. In all the fun and catching up we didn't get ONE picture! It's horrible, I know. But you will just have to take my word that a great time was had by all - I really miss my friend :( She also got her baby fix in snuggling Chase all night ;-)
"Hello, Room Service? I would like to order one of everything, charge it to my Papa" |
Meeting Aunt Bryce for the 1st time |
Chillin like a villain |
My snuggle buddies for the evening |
Someone decided it would be really fun to play at 4am |
Saturday we woke up and filled up on free hotel breakfast (love it!). Then we took a drive down to Axtell to see Melissa's family (also Jimmy's family). Then it was back up to Kearney for lunch at the BK Lounge with our friends Amy and John. After a fun filled afternoon visiting friends it was back to the hotel to wind down a bit and start getting ready for the wedding! Of course I was running late, and it only took Paul .5 seconds to get ready.
Zach was made we wouldn't let him take his orange (from home) to breakfast |
Playing with Watson (Melissa and Ryan's dog) |
Pull!!!!!! |
It's actually pretty funny. We wanted to leave the hotel around 3:30 (the ceremony started at 4). Well 3:45 rolls around, Paul is freaking out that we are going to be late, I still didn't have my dress on...you all know the story...anyways, we probably left the hotel room at 3:50, pulled up to the church by 3:52, and in the pew sitting by 3:55. Gosh I miss Kearney sometimes!
The wedding was lovely, and we made some new friends (people the bride worked with in Omaha), chatted and just had an all around great evening. Bryce and Jimmy babysat the big 2 boys - they went swimming, ordered some pizza, and watched movies. Chase tagged along with us. He slept the whole time, woke up just as dinner was being served (I quickly excused myself to go feed him) and made it back in time for the speeches. Then he hung out a bit, everyone ohh'd and ahh'd at how cute he was, how crazy I was for taking a 5 week old baby out (really people, get over it, he's baby #3, he's good), and played pass the baby. At around 8:45pm Paul and I excused ourselves, went back to the hotel really quick, fed Chase, kissed the boys goodnight and left all 3 boys with Aunt Bryce. Then Paul and I went back over to the reception and spent a few hours kiddo free.
He really enjoyed the wedding as you can see here |
What we came home to at the end of the night - good job Aunt Bryce |
Sunday morning was pretty uneventful. It started with free hotel breakfast (duh!) and then we walked around the UNK campus for a bit, and went over to Memorial Field (the baseball field where Paul used to play). Then we went over to Paul's old Baseball coaches house and caught up with him and his wife while the kiddos played.
On our way back to Denver, we made a pit stop in Lexington, NE (about 30 minutes from Kearney) and went to the Heartland Museum of Military Vehicles. It was fun (coming from a person who does not really like museums). The boys got to sit and pretend play in a few of the vehicles, and it was neat seeing all those old cars in one place.
We made it back to Denver safe and sound, made some dinner, and then plopped into bed. Whew!
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