Enough about me, lets talk about my main man....Braden, Bean, Bubba, Brother, B-Man, Ben
I don't even know what to say about this man. He sure keeps us on our toes. He loves his little brothers so much. He is the most active child you will ever meet. His "Terrible Twos" are finally on the down hill side of things. The melt downs still appear, but only every once in a while. He is such a big helper around the house with his "chores" (helping set the table, taking his dishes to the kitchen, helping put away laundry, helping to get things from the other rooms for his brothers, making his bed, etc.)
He loves playing all things sports. Anything with a stick or ball, and he is in. Nonna and Papa just bought him a bike for his birthday, and he learned how to ride it in all of 10 minutes. Side note: Every child needs a balance bike!
He loves going to OMB (old man baseball) with Daddy on Sunday's and sitting in the dugout and being the bat boy. He is also becoming a much better eater and will try new foods. He will give us the thumbs up or down verdict. As long as he at least tries new food Paul and I are happy. He is so strong, like unreal strong. He also has more energy than a 1,000 gallon jug of energy drinks (I am going to assume that's a lot of energy). He is always moving, always, he never sits still, and I having a hard time keeping him entertained.
What else, I did a cute little "Birthday Interview" with him....
The doctor says he is growing well. Not too much is concerning medically or developmentally with him, so I didn't really have questions. He was measuring 43" (55%ile) and 39.4 pounds (48%ile). He passed his hearing test with flying colors - it was pretty funny, when he would say "beep" he kept trying to match the octave of the beep he heard. Vision was 20/30. He drew all the shapes the doctor asked and wrote his name. She was very impressed with his fine motor skills. We also talked a little about how we work on "school" at home. He got 3 shots. I thought he was going to do really well with them...sadly that was not the case. The nurse stuck the first needle in and he kicked her right in the stomach (whoops). After that first scare he just cried really hard, but calmed down when he realized that they didn't really hurt. The doctor also mentioned that this year it is important to start working on safety learning. Learning things like our phone number, address, bike safety, fire safety etc. We have obviously been working on these things as an ongoing learning process, but we will really start to focus on these. I wonder what educational programs the Frisco Fire Station will be putting on in September. She also went over a developmental check list and B-Man meets or way exceeded all of them - wetting the bed at night, dressing and undressing, recalling stories, know at least 4 colors, count objects up to 10, balancing on one foot, hopping on one foot, etc. I just have super star kiddos, what can I say - they take after their mom ;-)
Have I mentioned how much this little man loves his baby brothers!? It's so cute. He just wants to be and play with them all the time. He's not really a "Mama's boy" (non of my kids are, sad, I know), but he does love him some mama time when daddy is not around. He is all boy, ALL BOY. He is seriously so smart too. He will tell us stories and ask if "if we remember the time..." and some of the things he says are mind blowing. It's insane how much he remembers.
As for schooling - we have slowed down a bit since he is not starting school until NEXT year. But he can say and write all his letter (upper and lower case), and knows the respective sounds. He is getting better with numbers. He can count to 20, knows multiples of 10s, and can do worksheets with numbers up to 100 (probably greater....he knows numbers when they are written down, we are still working on sequencing). We will buckle down on our homeschooling this year for sure.
This kid is so funny. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are hilarious. I keep a daily journal (which I have to go back and update every couple weeks, naturally) and try to take notes of funnies in my phone, but with 3 boys, I am just trying to live in the moment these days. I really want to remember everything, and document everything to share with y'all, but sometimes it is just not possible.
He is so cute when talking/facetime-ing with family. He is still all boy and 5, so often times he thinks it's funny to play hide and seek while someone is on facetime, but when he sits and has a conversation with people, it melts my heart. It is also so adorable when he 'signs off' and says his "I love yous". I just love this lil man so much.
Again, I cannot believe he is 5. I am sure every mom flashes back to the day her kids were born on their birthdays. That is what it is after all, a celebration of their birth....hey, why don't I get presents then!?!? Moving along, I remember that day like it was yesterday. One of the top 3 best days of my life. If not the best, because it was with the birth of this little man that our family was born. Without him, we would not be where we are today.
And I'll leave you with a trip down memory lane for your viewing enjoyment ;-)
We're off to have a baby!!!! Ahhh!!!!! |
First Photo....Chase looks just like him! |
Family - Braden, Nonna, Papa, Aunt Mo-gan, Bryce, and myself |
One of my favorite "first" pictures of B |
Such a smiley baby too! |
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Birth Announcement Photo |
B and Daddy |
Geeze - Look at how young we look |
First Rockies Game |
Power to the people |

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