Wow! This year has seriously flown by! Christmas is right around the corner, and next thing you know, it will be 2014! This year has been filled with ups and downs, but we have almost made it out alive.
I need to get to work on my photo book for this year! Hopefully I will be able to share that with y'all soon. I also need to get these Christmas cards sealed and sent out, then I can share that with the masses :)
Onto a quick 8 month update on little Bug. I am so excited that I actually have monthly photos (so far) of this guy that I am going to try and make a 1st year book for him. I never got around to posting photos from last month, so some of the photos down below will be a bit older.
Mom's scientific measuring came up with these numbers this month.
Head: 17.5"
Height: 26.5"
Weight: approx 19.6 pounds
What is he doing you ask? He is a crawling machine, up on all 4s now. He also has 2 new teeth, making that a total of 4. Speaking of teeth, I took B and Z to the dentist, and nothing to report there. No cavities, and all looks good (well minus Zach's mongo mouth of missing/extra teeth...but there is nothing we can do about all that right now). Bug also "chats" a lot. Cooing and making all sorts of crazy sounds. He also can pull himself up (we had to lower his bed down one more because of this).
Nonna came out to visit this month for Chase's baptism. I also had to start back up my infusions again (more on that later....maybe). She was able to stay with the boys for the day while I was at the infusion center. That way Paul didn't have to take an extra day off work.
Bug with his Godparents - Alexa and Jonny |
He is growing and developing everyday. I wish I had more to say about this month, but I'm at a loss. We have been taking it pretty easy around here. Just working, enjoying having our membership at lifetime back. Both B and Z are now in swim classes (they have been, just not sure if I mentioned that yet). Braden and Zachy still adore him. Zach is talking so much more now! He is a little chatter box! Saying new words and stringing together 3+ words to form [sort of] sentences!
Eating: Like a champ. For the few days while he is cutting teeth he does not want to eat solid foods, but he more than makes up for it the next few days. He is also becoming interested in puffs and small finger foods. I often give him a few small bites of the soft foods off my plate when we go out.
Sleeping: Still the same. There is not much to improve on there. Again, during the few days when he cut new teeth it was not very peaceful nights of sleep, but it was not terrible.
Here are some photos...due to some uploading errors they are not in chronological order, but it will do.
...these guys... |
Melts my heart |
Super Chaser Bug! |
running errands while Zachary is at school |
We had our first foster dog of the year |
He can pull himself up! |
Love my Mongo |
I cannot get enough of this little guy sleeping |
Baby it's cold outside. |
He looks so good in hats |
Happy Thanksgiving! |
Watching the elephant get a bath |
Zachy Selfies
Helping cook Bacon |
Preschool Photo 2013 |
Mongo helping feed Bug |
We also took an impromptu trip up to our friends cabin. I didn't get many photos though because we were busy relaxing and having a good time!
Beautiful View |
...until next time ;-)