Holy heck - where did this month go, seriously? Seriously? It's September already! I feel like I just got settled from our last trip and we have another one coming up right around the corner.
Anyways, let's do a quick check on Mr Man to see how he is doing these days...
Measurements - whoops, I forgot to check on those...check back next month ;-)
Feeding: LOVES TO EAT. We got the okay his 4 month doctors appointment to start some solids. And boy oh boy does this kid love to eat. He has a bowl at breakfast and dinner. He has had oatmeal some, spinach, zucchini, but of course he loves his fruits; apples, peaches, bananas and avocados. Still drinking the boobie here and there throughout the day. And every once in a while you surprise me and wake up in the middle of the night (3am ish) for a quick little snack. Other than that you sleep from about 8-6, eat, then back down until 8/9ish. You also love to sit in your highchair while the rest of the family eats dinner.
Getting ready to eat for the 1st time! |
I think he likes it... |
Food Coma |
Sleep: We just touched on that a bit above. As for naps, you take about 2 good naps during the day. Once after breakfast and a little play time, so you're usually down by around 10:30ish, up a few hours later....play, eat, hangout, eat some more, then back down until you wake up for the evening around 4/5ish. If we are out running errands you love to be awake and will take short naps in the car. We have been staying home during the day a lot, so you seem to be on somewhat of your own schedule. Weekends can be a mess sometimes. Like last weekend you didn't nap for 2 days straight. You don't really fuss if you are tired. Unless it's bed time. By the end of the day, you are done, and just want to be laid down. We are having a slight problem some nights though because you love to sleep on your belly, but still have not 100% mastered rolling from your back to your belly.
Brother wanted to join you after nap time |
Play Time: You are starting to enjoy toys (other than your feet). You have a couple monkey toys you love to chew on, and a cute little baseball toy we take places with us. But you could just live with finger to chew on (your or mine, either work for you). Obviously still loving tummy time. You roll from your tummy to back like a rock star, and are developing muscles to stop half way, roll back, scootch, rock side to side, etc. But you have not quite fully gotten from your back to belly, that dang arm just gets in the way. Brother still love playing with you. I wish they would leave you alone sometimes, but they love it, and you love it, so we just go with it.
"You mean to tell me I can hold my feet IN the mamaroo??? Life Changing" |
Teething: You have your 2 bottom teeth little guy, and you chew everything in sight. If you can grab it, it goes right into your mouth. Your brother are good about keeping their toys out of your space, but once you start moving around we will have to be more careful about picking up their toys. They both love to bring you your own toys to chew on while they play right next to you on the floor.
Adventures: You had your first official modeling gig this month! Tanja, our amazingly talented photographer, does all the product shoots for Boppy (our most favorite baby product there is), and asked you to come in to try and get a shot for a new product that is going to be launched next year. So one morning before daddy went to work, you and I headed downtown to her studio. It literally took her 30 seconds to get the shot she needed, you're just a super star....that or insanely cute and happy all the time. These pictures were taken the night before while we were "practicing". It's all very hush hush on the new product, so we won't be able to see the photos until sometime next year WAHH!
You love to eat people's faces - yes, their face. If someone is holding you, you like to grab on tight and go for the kill. You're a chatter box. Love to talk and squak and join in on our conversations and chat with other people. I swear you say "hi" too.
Anyways, it was a fun month, I really do love this age! You're starting to get so fun, show your personality, and look like your own little person. I just love you so much sweet bug - and so does everyone else in this world! You truly are an amazing little miracle man!
Now, for more photos.....
Rockies game |
Brother couldn't quite make it to his bed |
Weekend morning story time |
People say you look like me...I don't see it? |
Brothers working on school |
Family movie night in bed |
You're a wiggling, scootching machine |
5 month laundry photo |
rub a dub dub, 3 brothers in the tub |
Another family movie night |
first french fry at 5 Guys |
Still loving your Roo |
Boys night, game night |
3D TV at costco |
nananananananana BATMAN |
Goof Balls |
Big Brother Braden cracks you up |
Morning iPad time |
YOU LOVE YOUR FEET, It's so cute! |
You want to sit up really bad, just not quite there yet |
...and still so animated |
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