I am sure as most of you know, Zachy and Paul share a birthday (September 22nd), so, a big happy 30th birthday to Paul too! But this post is not about/for you honey, sorry.
We spent the boys birthday weekend down in Texas with my family. My dad's parents (Papa Wilbur and Grandma Frances) flew out for the weekend as well. The main reason that we went down there that weekend was for the wedding of my sorority sister to Paul's roommate from college. They are the 3rd couple from the college house (Uncle Ryan and Aunt Lissa being the second). Anyways, it was such a great weekend! Paul and I got 2 whole nights away from the kiddos while they stayed with Nonna and Papa and we celebrated in wedding festivities!
Now, onto birthday fun, and just a general Zachary update.
I am writing this post on September 30th, which also happens to be Zachary's first day of preschool. His Part C services through the Cherry Creek School District stopped on his 3rd birthday, so now, he moves onto Part B, which is done in the preschool class room. He will be going to school 4 days a week (Monday-Thursday) from 12:30-3:15, and will have a total of 3 hours of therapy during that time. Some of his "therapy" time may be done in the classroom, or as a small group with other kids needing services, and some may be one on one. I am sure I will provide y'all with an update as he gets more into a routine, and I know more of what is going on.
A little mom vent for a second. He has been doing SOOOOOOO AMAZING ever since he got his tubes put in in January. I honestly don't know if preschool is really the best place for him right now. I have my doubts and concerns, but in the end Paul and I decided to give it a try for a few months and see how he does. I just think that he can get the same attention and services here at home with Paul and I. I just don't see preschool adding anything that he does not already get here. I could go on and on about this, but I won't bore you with my concerns.
Here is his interview that we did. Some of the questions he had trouble answering, and some I am not sure he knew exactly what they meant. My favorite was when I asked him where he liked to go and he immediately jumped up and down and yelled "Walmart" it was hilarious. And as you can see, all of his answers were 1 word...but I knew/know what he means when he says things. He also has his own way of pronouncing some words, so I tired to document that...I am a horrible speller as it is, so trying to correctly spell a word incorrectly was a bit of a challenge. I hope I can remember how cute his "words" were in a few years. Because he is seriously so cute and innocent when he talks. I just love it. I really just love my kids - haha - I think everything they do is "seriously, so cute".
Big man is really doing amazing with his speech. He will try to repeat words you ask him to say. obviously still having a bit of trouble with the longer words and some of the ending sounds. But he tries. He also uses 2-3 word sentences to ask for things. He tries to tell stories, and explain things but only uses key words. For example if he wants to tell us that he wants a drink, it usually comes out something along the lines of "baba boppy". Or you might hear "up....seat....buckle" when he is getting himself into the car.
As if starting preschool today is not enough, he starts swim class on Tuesday too - I will write more about that in a few weeks hopefully!
He loves his baby Chase, and big brother Braden. He still calls him "Ben" sometimes, but it is starting to turn into "Ben-an" now. I love the bond and relationship all 3 boys have. Of course Braden is a bully to Zachy sometimes, but Zach is a tough little guy. Every once in a while he will "flop" when Braden barely touches him. It's so sad when he gets his pathetic little brother cry going. Very cute and amusing though.
Well Mongo, we love you to pieces! Good luck on your first day of school and I cannot wait to update everyone more as you progress! MUAH

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