Friday, June 8, 2012

New Buttons

I am so excited! I am slowly starting to add things and play around with my layout more.

When I first set up the blog I just used templates in attempts to hurry the starting up process along.  Today I just added some cool features on the right hand side of my posts.  -------------------------------------->

My Life; A slide show of the instargam photos I post (you can click on the photos to see larger versions)

Follow me; Buttons you can click to follow me on Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook

I also added a link at the top to my Thirty-One business page - see above.  I will post more on this soon :)

....see more one liners!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Papa

I know I know, I start off every post this way, "It's been way to long since I blogged"....."I promise I will start posting more" all get the picture, I am terrible at this stuff on a personal level!

In attempts to begin posting more, I figured little one liners are better than nothing.  So until I feel like sitting down and possible catching y'all up, for now you just get one liners....

First up, Papa EB's 50th birthday.  Here is a lovely photo of him dancing around his forest fire while everyone sings "Happy Birthday" to him...

Happy Birthday Daddy, here's to 50 more!