Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fun with photoshop and my "new" camera.....

I still stink at taking pictures, but I have had some new found "free time" the last few days while Zachary is in school, so I have been playing with some new toys.

After - On this one I just fixed his baby zits/red cheeks
Before....Sweet Baby Zit
After - Tada! So cute ;-)
On this next one I took the face from photo 1 and swapped it onto the body of photo 2 (I liked how you could read "6 Months" on that photo instead of just the 6), 'fixed' his cheeks a little, and extended the blanket to the corner.

Photo 1
Photo 2

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Zachary's First Day of Preschool

Well it happened.  The day came and I took him (be proud).  I will have to write a post on "how it's going" in a few weeks.  For now, I don't feel like I have given it enough time to judge fairly. 

Anyways, here are some pictures from the first few days...Enjoy!

Pretty excited!

Running up to the door

Playing in the rocks with brother before the doors opened

Braden didn't do so well on the way home...

Day 2: We rode our bikes

Braden, Chase and I walked to lunch while Zach was in school

Friday, October 4, 2013

Chaser Weldon is 6 Months...and pictures from our trip to Texas!

Another month has come and gone.

If you read my last post on Zachary's birthday you will know that we just got back from Texas.

Chaser is now 6 months...so onto his quick little update:

*Epic mom fail.  I forgot to make Chase's 6 month doctors appointment...So that's in a couple weeks, along with Zachary's 3 year appointment, because I forgot to make that one too.


Teething: No new teeth to report on this month...you still just have the 2 lower ones.

Eating: Still a chubby eating champ.  We are up to 3 solid meals a day, and boobie snacks throughout.  You have been waking up in the middle of the night STARVING so something is going to have to change here in the next couple days to ensure mommy gets her beauty sleep.

Sleeping: Like I said, you've been waking up the last couple nights.  But you're still a great little sleeper, and very adaptable during the days.  With Zachary starting preschool this week it's been an adjustment for everyone.  And you have been doing very well with it (although it could also be the reason for your screaming fits in the middle of the night too).  Either way, I love ya, and we will figure it out.  Napping whenever you want.  I started working some nights, and daddy said you've been sleeping from 6:30-8:30....could also be another reason for your nightly screaming fits.

Adventures: We took another road trip...this time to Texas to meet your Great-Grandparents and see some of mommy and daddy's college friends (and Nonna and Papa too of course).  You did great in the car.  I really can't complain about any of the kids on road trips.  Put anyone in a car for 12+ hours and they are bound to get a little grumpy.  But for the most part all the kiddos just sleep.  We ended up leaving at 4:30pm after work on Tuesday and getting into Dallas around 5:30am Wednesday morning.  It made for a rough first day, but I am so glad that we got the extra time with family.  No one has every said "man, I wish I didn't spend that extra time with my grandparents".

Obviously Zach and Chase are not quite the chatter boxes Braden is yet.  But Braden ran around the house all weekend calling my grandparents (whom we refer to as Papa Wilbur and Grandma Frances) by their first names.  "Wilbur, come check this out"......"Has anyone seen Frances".  And the best part was, no one blinked twice.

Milestones:  You are still a rolling machine.  Rolling everywhere.  Away from, and towards your brothers.  You have also figured out how to get up on your knees (before you could just plank) now you are pulling your legs under your belly.  You will rock back and fourth, but no crawling just yet.  It's only a matter of days though.  You move around, but I wouldn't call it scooching.  You are still pretty slow at it.  It is more of a combination of rocking and rolling. 

Up on all 4s
Things you are loving: Food, your brothers, your feet, your new catipiller toy from Nonna, your bouncer, the mama roo (I have to strap you in now because you have tried to roll out a few times), did I say food?, walks, being held (but you don't HAVE to be held, you just like to walk around with mommy or daddy sometimes), being tickled, when brothers make silly faces at you....you love lots of things, these are only just a few off the top of my head.

Thing you are NOT loving: The only one that really comes to mind in when we take to long to feed you, i.e. daddy gets distracted by the TV and does not shovel food into your mouth fast enough.  Oh, also when I accidentally knock your head getting you into and out of your car seat...my bad, sorry little bug.

The "feed me faster" face
I think that is most of it for now.  I know I am forgetting something....o well....now onto our month in pictures...

A month wouldn't be complete without a trip to the zoo

trying a french fry....
....and obviously loving it

Another Rockies Game
First Broncos game of the season
Bedtime story
Air Methods Day
Face Paint
still loving the foot
Playing with Braden
Hanging with Zachy
...That Foot!
you go from this....
...to this in .2 seconds
...These 2 while I fold Laundry
Mommy and Miss Jen have a shoe problem
We went on a walk in the afternoon
An hour later the monsoon came
You can never be too safe.
"Pretty please papa take us skiing"

Watching a Broncos game
Braden's nose hurt, so he came out here to sleep
Brother cuddle time
Pictures from our trip to Texas -

Off to Texas

Playing in the "porta-pot-tay"
Swimming at friends
The sign my mom and I made for the bride and groom at the reception

So story on these photos above - this was the first year Braden understood that Paul and Zachary shared a birthday and he was really upset about it.  Wondering why he couldn't be "birthday buddies" with them too.  If you don't already know this about Braden, he is VERY attached to Paul.  And as you can obviously see from these photos, Paul was not helping the situation one bit.  We talked about it, and I think he gets it now and is okay with it.  We will find out next year if that's really the case though.

Driving home
Goof Balls
Braden wanted to take a picture
Zachary wanted in on the action too
Boys at Costco
Trying to get in on the wrestling action
A typical lunch out for me and the boys
Happy October!
Snuggle time

Brotherly Love