Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Oh what a Month it has been....

Oh Little - As always, so much to say and so little time.  I just did a little up date the other week, so I will try to fill you in since then.

Lots going on around here - although you just seem to sleep through most of it.

Mommy also tried to do a 1 month photo shoot around the house....she really needs to leave that to the professionals (or maybe invest in a nice camera...ya know, nicer than the iPhone 4 at least *hint hint to anyone and everyone ;-)*).  Here is a little update followed by an insane amount of pictures, ENJOY!

Weight: 11.2 pounds - this is a very unofficial weight.  We did the whole 'Mommy stand on the scale, Mommy hold Chase and stand on a scale' thing.  I won't share with you what those numbers were though, just the difference!

Height: 22 inches - again, Mommy tried doing this at home with brothers running around like crazy men, so it could be +/- a little ;-)

Clothing size: NB and 0-3 Months - The NB are a bit snug, and the 0-3 are still a bit big. 

Diaper size: 1s, hopefully in the next few weeks you will be able to switch into the cloth diapers exclusively - you are still kinda peeing out of those right now (even on the NB setting), but we will figure it out!

Feeding: Nothing really new to report here.  Like I said, still eating like a little champ.  Although sometimes during the afternoon you are wayyyyy to interested in what your brothers are doing to eat.  This causes some problems, because then you realize you are starving and decide to scream at me.  Yes, I said scream.  You don't cry (like ever, seriously, knock on wood) You do however like to do this little bird scream/squawk.  Maybe I'll be able to get a video of it at some point this week to show everyone. 

Milestones: Um none, is that horrible?  I mean, you smiled at about 2 weeks, and now I guess you are sucking on your arm (sometimes fist, but mostly your forearm).  By the time baby number 3 comes along you are just dreading the day that they become mobile, so until then I will just wait...plus none of this baby stuff is new to me anymore, sadly.  You do like to squeak at your brothers which is pretty cute.  Zach also assisted you in your first "roll over" - let us all note how Zachary spontaneously said "roll" too! That's a huge milestone around here!!! See the video below.  

Side Note: This was totally unassisted and unprompted as well - Chase was laying on the bed when Zachary came over, so I thought I would take a video in case anything cute happened.  

Loves: You are such a cuddle bug, and you love your mama the most (for now, probably just because I feed you).  You also love watching your brothers.  You are getting more and more animated with/towards them everyday and are starting to be able to look around when you hear them.  You do enjoy when they make funny faces at you and you look back and forth, back and fourth.  It's seriously so adorable, but I am usually to wrapped up in the moment to want to find my phone to take a video of it (forgive me please?)

Dislikes: Not much I can think of right now....obviously when your brother poke you, or get all up in your face.  And gas, but common, who likes to have gas or a bubble in their tummy?

Adventures: We have been pretty boring homebodies lately.  Grandpa Pete came out for a visit this past weekend.  We drove up to Paul's Aunts house to visit with her family, and see Paul's Grandma who was also in town for a short visit.  I already told everyone about your first Rockies game...so I think that was it (or at least the most exciting thing we have done).  

...and now for the gazillion photos....

I have the best job in the whole world!!!!

Still lovin the MamaRoo!

Right where I need to be

Morning cuddle time with brothers!!!

This was snapped mid squawk

Your brothers are never very far away....

My Family :) (yes, Zachary is sleeping during movie night)

This photo just cracks me up!

Reading with Grandpa Pete

B and Grandpa Pete playing the Wii

4 Generations: Great-Grandma, Grandpa Pete, Daddy, and Boys :)
The many faces of Chase Weldon
"Can someone please get this guy off me"

Much better - I love this smile!!!

Playing Strat-o-Matic (baseball dice game)
Silly Guy
The Schleifer Boys on movie night

You keep us laughing Little!

Little and Zachary mean muggin' it

Mommy's attempt at 1 month photos

'My what big eyes you have'
Zachy using his phone to take pictures of you...

..seriously so cute! He kept trying to say "Chase, Chase" to get you to look at him
Goofing around with Zachary - he makes you giggle (and us too)

Well Little Mister, that's all I've got for now....As always, we love you so much!!! I also want to make a note and let everyone know that I have taken 1,328 photos since the moment you were born.  Can you say "crazy photo obsessed mom"! I promise, this month I will try to keep it under 1,000, okay?

PS - Everyone be sure to follow me on Instagram and YouTube - That way you can see all the pictures I post on a daily (yes, daily) basis, and short video clips that I upload and sometimes don't get around to sharing on the blog!!! :)  Also, Let me know if you are having any issues following the blog, everyone should be getting emails sent to their inbox on nights that I write a new post ;-)

Sunday, April 28, 2013


So yesterday was absolutely B-E-A-UTIFUL!  The weather was lovely, sun was out, and shirts were off!

Paul's dad is out here on a visit, and we spent most of the day playing outside.

Here is just one funny video from our playground/outside adventures.  I told Paul we are going to be in trouble because B is seriously so good at every sport he does (insert bragging mom face here)...but seriously, he is going to want to play every sport under the sun (which is great) and as long as he does well and enjoys himself, who are we to say no???

Check out the shimmy - We will need to work on that...or maybe not, it could be his signature move.

Monday, April 22, 2013

2 Week Update...well, make that a 3 week update (Warning: Lots of extremely adorable photos!!)

Well little man has been around for 2 whole weeks now, and it's STILL not real to me.  I really do have amazing babies.  I can handle waking up a couple times at night (as long as no one expects anything from me until my coffee is made in the morning).

-------- That was all I've written in the last 2 weeks ----- whoops, I guess it's safe to say this whole 'having 3 kids' thing is catching up to me.....I swear I started writing this post when you were 2 weeks old - I guess we will just make it a 3 week update now - Moving along....(I will fill everyone in on a few details, but I will let the photos and captions do most of the talking for me).

You're now 3 weeks old!!! We had your doctors appointment on Monday (April 15th) you were 9 pounds 2 ounces and 21.5" long - growing boy!

You're still eating lots, and you are getting more and more animated - Momma loves taking pictures of all your silly faces - see below.  B and Z still are so in love with you.  You're waking up a few times a night still (about 2 or 3).  You love to snuggle, and are starting to work on tummy time (although, just like your brothers, you usually fall right asleep when we put you on your belly). 

Now...for what's been going on around here -

Your nub fell out
You had your first "modeling gig" with Tanja @ Contemporary Expressions for Boppy Pillows

We took you on your first trip to the outlet mall
All 3 boys passed out in the car on the way home - successful day!
...of course we had lots of movie nights
Hanging out in bed with Mommy in the middle of the night
Big Brother Zachy coming in for baby kisses

You are pretty funny Little Guy...

...see what I mean?

Of course there has been lots of "show" watching with brothers

And you LOVE your MamaRoo!

Seriously, just too cute for words

In your happy place

...I am totally "that mom" right now

....Mommy's quite time

You still love snuggles

Sending pictures to Daddy at work

More of your happy place - I just love watching you sleep

....brothers are never too far away!

Mommy and Zachy at dinner

More brother ottoman time :)
Your very expressive...

...and happy

Action shot - everyone is playing and you're just laughing

It was a rough day for you and Zachy

....see what I mean about the expressions

Nighttime snuggles with Mommy

Daddy took Braden to the Avs game

Everytime I look at this photo I just crack up!

Getting ready for family pictures the next day
Nighttime snuggles with Daddy

"Shh don't tell Mommy what we do while she is away"
Checking out B

Hanging out with your big Bros

More mommy snuggles

"Can't the 4 year old just babysit the 2 year old and newborn?"

Movie night with my 4 boys :)

Early morning watching shows in bed with Zachary

"Excuse me sir, you're in my spot"

More hilarious expressions from you!

And there is that smile...check out that dimple too!

Drinking from a bottle like a big boy!

Milk drunk

You really do like hanging out with them (for now at least)

Photo montage of more silly faces

At the Great Cloth Diaper Change

Hanging out with your buddy Beckett at the GCDC

Headed out to our first Rockies game as a family of 5!
Big Man Zachy eating dinner at the game

HUGE SUCCESS!!!! (More on this another day maybe)

Well Little Sir, that's all I have for now...as you can see you are so so so so loved by all of us!  You are such a great baby and have made this whole 'family of 5' thing a breeze so far.  You have grown so much in the last 3 weeks, and I have loved every moment of it!!!