Friday, July 5, 2013


Why yes, It has been a month since I last Blogged, thank you for noticing.  I'm busy.  You'll get over it.

Chase is now 3 months old (14 weeks today actually) and I think it's time I have to stop counting in weeks.  I really should read up and refresh my memory as to what babies should be doing to make sure he is on track...but you know what, after Zachary, I really don't care.  Not that I don't care if he develops or not, I don't care 'when' he reaches certain milestones.  He will do it when he's good and ready.

With that said, what is he doing you ask?  He's growing!  We had a doctors appointment the other day and he was 15 pounds 3 ounces - since it was not a check up we did not get any other stats.  To give you an idea on his size - Braden was about 15 pounds at 3 months, and I don't have a weight written down for Zachary at 3 months, but his 4 months weight was 14 pounds 14 ounces.

I cannot get over these rolls!
Why were we at the doctors you ask?  He has a little rash on the outside of his elbows that will just not go away.  We have tried "eczema" specific washes and creams, a low dose steroid cream, breast milk, coconut oil....and still it's not improving any :-/ it's not spreading, but not improving.  We are going to re-visit the issue at his 4 months appointment, but our next stop may be to a dermatologist.  I will keep you posted.

Waiting for the Dr
 What else?  Still holding his neck up really well.  He has rolled over twice now, but both times I think were just the way I propped him up, so we are not going to count them.  He does scootch himself around in a circle when he is on his tummy though.  Still loving the swaddle wraps.  I don't think I mentioned this, but right around 2 months I said he was "officially" sleeping through the night!  And boy is it amazing!  The big boys go to bed around 8pm.  Then Chase is up with us until about 9-9:30pm eats, then sleeps until 6am-ish.  Now he would love to stay awake for the morning, but he usually dozes off or just hangs out in his cradle until 8ish.

I could watch him sleep all day
 Zachary is doing SOOOOOO goo with therapy.  It's night and day.  But with this comes back talking and our first glimpse at the terrible two's.  He's really not that bad, just a little demanding sometimes.  Until this week, he has never really had a name for Braden (brother, B, buh-buh, bray...nothing) but this week he started calling him "Ben", it's so cute, and Braden is a good sport about it.  When Zach is yelling for Ben, he will answer, and does not skip a beat.  So Braden is now Ben.  I won't let it last, but until Zach's speech improves a little more, we will just go with it.

The boys finished up soccer and did a month of Kid's Crossfit at one of the gyms here.  B LOVED it, Zach was a little spacey, but I think he enjoyed doing something with Braden.
Getting ready for their first day of Crossfit
 Hum, what else, what else?  I think that's really it for now.  There is just so much I don't even know where to begin.  O well, If you want to know something, ask ;-)

Now here are some more photos from the last month (PS - if you don't follow me on Instagram, you really should)


Zach was sad Chase wasn't sitting with him

That's better

Zach stole my phone to take pictures

Each one needs their own Boppy

My Boys


I just love this smile :)

More Smiles


You can tell they love taking pictures

I took Z and C to the Rockies game while B and Daddy went to Old Man
Zach at the game - GO ROCKIES!

 My friend who works for the Rockies got Chase Headley to sign a ball for Chase! How Awesome!!

Someone couldn't hang on boys night
My little man

Playing Pirates with friends
Morning Snuggles

These two crack me up!

that smile again.... daddy home yet!?

Brothers at the Phillies vs Rockies Game
HAHA!! This face is hilarious!
PS - That's Chase next to a baby photo of Paul...twins?

Where shall I sleep tonight?

He is still so animated

"We mustache you a question"

The face

It's official, we are a family of 5 now

No one can rock a speedo as well as this guy

Brothers cuddling during nap time

Smile :)

A little afternoon walk

This makes my heart smile

At Old Man baseball

Pool Day

Happy 3 month birthday

My how time flies

Trains with brothers

Loving the Bumbo

Another family Rockies game

pretending to hit with the hitters

at the game

"Map Boys" at the Zoo

thoroughly enjoying himself

Happy 4th of July!

This. Is. Epic.

All smiles!

Hangin with Big Bro

Hangin with Mama
Well that's it folks.  Talk to y'all in a month...maybe sooner if you're lucky. 

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